002 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
003 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
004 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
005 *
006 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
007 *
008 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
009 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
010 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
011 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
012 * limitations under the License.
013 */
015package de.softwareforge.testing.postgres.embedded;
017import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument;
018import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
019import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState;
020import static de.softwareforge.testing.postgres.embedded.DatabaseInfo.PG_DEFAULT_DB;
021import static de.softwareforge.testing.postgres.embedded.DatabaseInfo.PG_DEFAULT_USER;
022import static de.softwareforge.testing.postgres.embedded.EmbeddedUtil.formatDuration;
023import static java.lang.String.format;
025import de.softwareforge.testing.postgres.embedded.ProcessOutputLogger.StreamCapture;
027import java.io.File;
028import java.io.FileOutputStream;
029import java.io.IOException;
030import java.io.InputStreamReader;
031import java.lang.ProcessBuilder.Redirect;
032import java.net.ConnectException;
033import java.net.InetAddress;
034import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
035import java.net.Socket;
036import java.nio.channels.FileLock;
037import java.nio.channels.OverlappingFileLockException;
038import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
039import java.nio.file.Path;
040import java.sql.Connection;
041import java.sql.ResultSet;
042import java.sql.SQLException;
043import java.sql.Statement;
044import java.time.Duration;
045import java.util.HashMap;
046import java.util.List;
047import java.util.Map;
048import java.util.Map.Entry;
049import java.util.Objects;
050import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
051import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
052import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
053import javax.sql.DataSource;
055import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
056import com.google.common.base.Joiner;
057import com.google.common.base.Stopwatch;
058import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
059import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
060import com.google.common.io.CharStreams;
061import com.google.common.io.Closeables;
062import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.NonNull;
063import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.Nullable;
064import org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource;
065import org.slf4j.Logger;
066import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
069 * Manages an embedded PostgreSQL server instance.
070 */
071public final class EmbeddedPostgres implements AutoCloseable {
073    /**
074     * The version of postgres used if no specific version has been given.
075     */
076    public static final String DEFAULT_POSTGRES_VERSION = "13";
078    static final String[] LOCALHOST_SERVER_NAMES = new String[]{"localhost"};
080    private static final String PG_TEMPLATE_DB = "template1";
082    @VisibleForTesting
083    static final Duration DEFAULT_PG_STARTUP_WAIT = Duration.ofSeconds(10);
085    // folders need to be at least 10 minutes old to be considered for deletion.
086    private static final long MINIMUM_AGE_IN_MS = Duration.ofMinutes(10).toMillis();
088    // prefix for data folders in the parent that might be deleted
089    private static final String DATA_DIRECTORY_PREFIX = "data-";
091    private static final String PG_STOP_MODE = "fast";
092    private static final String PG_STOP_WAIT_SECONDS = "5";
093    static final String LOCK_FILE_NAME = "epg-lock";
095    private final Logger logger;
097    private final String instanceId;
098    private final File postgresInstallDirectory;
099    private final File dataDirectory;
101    private final Duration serverStartupWait;
102    private final int port;
103    private final AtomicBoolean started = new AtomicBoolean();
104    private final AtomicBoolean closed = new AtomicBoolean();
106    private final ImmutableMap<String, String> serverConfiguration;
107    private final ImmutableMap<String, String> localeConfiguration;
108    private final ImmutableMap<String, String> connectionProperties;
110    private final File lockFile;
111    private volatile FileOutputStream lockStream;
112    private volatile FileLock lock;
114    private final boolean removeDataOnShutdown;
116    private final ProcessBuilder.Redirect errorRedirector;
117    private final ProcessBuilder.Redirect outputRedirector;
118    private final ProcessOutputLogger pgServerLogger;
121    /**
122     * Returns an instance that has been started and configured. The {@link Builder#withDefaults()} configuration has been applied.
123     */
124    @NonNull
125    public static EmbeddedPostgres defaultInstance() throws IOException {
126        return builderWithDefaults().build();
127    }
129    /**
130     * Returns a builder with default {@link Builder#withDefaults()} configuration already applied.
131     */
132    @NonNull
133    public static EmbeddedPostgres.Builder builderWithDefaults() {
134        return new Builder().withDefaults();
135    }
137    /**
138     * This returns an {@link EmbeddedPostgres} instance that can be solely used for version checking. It has not been booted and will not work for any other
139     * things but executing {@link EmbeddedPostgres#getPostgresVersion()}. This is a performance optimization for code that needs to do version checking and
140     * does not want to pay the penalty of spinning up and shutting down an instance.
141     *
142     * @return An unstarted {@link EmbeddedPostgres} instance.
143     * @throws IOException Could not create the instance.
144     * @since 4.1
145     */
146    public static EmbeddedPostgres forVersionCheck() throws IOException {
147        return new Builder(false).build();
148    }
150    /**
151     * Returns a new {@link Builder}.
152     */
153    @NonNull
154    public static EmbeddedPostgres.Builder builder() {
155        return new Builder();
156    }
158    private EmbeddedPostgres(
159            final String instanceId,
160            final File postgresInstallDirectory,
161            final File dataDirectory,
162            final boolean removeDataOnShutdown,
163            final Map<String, String> serverConfiguration,
164            final Map<String, String> localeConfiguration,
165            final Map<String, String> connectionProperties,
166            final int port,
167            final ProcessBuilder.Redirect errorRedirector,
168            final ProcessBuilder.Redirect outputRedirector,
169            final Duration serverStartupWait) {
171        this.instanceId = checkNotNull(instanceId, "instanceId is null");
173        this.logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(toString());
174        this.pgServerLogger = new ProcessOutputLogger(logger);
176        this.postgresInstallDirectory = checkNotNull(postgresInstallDirectory, "postgresInstallDirectory is null");
177        this.dataDirectory = checkNotNull(dataDirectory, "dataDirectory is null");
179        this.removeDataOnShutdown = removeDataOnShutdown;
181        this.serverConfiguration = ImmutableMap.copyOf(checkNotNull(serverConfiguration, "serverConfiguration is null"));
182        this.localeConfiguration = ImmutableMap.copyOf(checkNotNull(localeConfiguration, "localeConfiguration is null"));
183        this.connectionProperties = ImmutableMap.copyOf(checkNotNull(connectionProperties, "connectionProperties is null"));
185        this.port = port;
187        this.errorRedirector = checkNotNull(errorRedirector, "errorRedirector is null");
188        this.outputRedirector = checkNotNull(outputRedirector, "outputRedirector is null");
190        this.serverStartupWait = checkNotNull(serverStartupWait, "serverStartupWait is null");
191        this.lockFile = new File(this.dataDirectory, LOCK_FILE_NAME);
193        logger.debug(format("data dir is %s, install dir is %s", this.dataDirectory, this.postgresInstallDirectory));
194    }
196    /**
197     * Creates a {@link DataSource} object that connects to the standard system database.
198     * <p>
199     * The standard system database is the <code>template1</code> database.
200     * <p>
201     * Any modification to this database will be propagated to any new database that is created with <code>CREATE DATABASE...</code> unless another database is
202     * explicitly named as the template..
203     */
204    @NonNull
205    public DataSource createTemplateDataSource() throws SQLException {
206        checkState(started.get(), "instance has not been started!");
208        return createDataSource(PG_DEFAULT_USER, PG_TEMPLATE_DB, getPort(), getConnectionProperties());
209    }
211    /**
212     * Creates a {@link DataSource} object that connects to the default database.
213     * <p>
214     * The default database is the <code>postgres</code> database.
215     */
216    @NonNull
217    public DataSource createDefaultDataSource() throws SQLException {
218        checkState(started.get(), "instance has not been started!");
220        return createDataSource(PG_DEFAULT_USER, PG_DEFAULT_DB, getPort(), getConnectionProperties());
221    }
223    /**
224     * Creates a {@link DataSource} with a specific user and database name.
225     * <p>
226     * Creating the DataSource does <b>not</b> create the database or the user itself. This must be done by the calling code (e.g. with a {@link
227     * EmbeddedPostgresPreparer}).
228     */
229    @NonNull
230    public DataSource createDataSource(@NonNull String user, @NonNull String databaseName) throws SQLException {
231        checkState(started.get(), "instance has not been started!");
233        return createDataSource(user, databaseName, getPort(), getConnectionProperties());
234    }
236    static DataSource createDataSource(String user, String databaseName, int port, Map<String, String> connectionProperties) throws SQLException {
237        checkNotNull(user, "user is null");
238        checkNotNull(databaseName, "databaseName is null");
239        checkNotNull(connectionProperties, "connectionProperties is null");
241        final PGSimpleDataSource ds = new PGSimpleDataSource();
243        ds.setServerNames(LOCALHOST_SERVER_NAMES);
244        ds.setPortNumbers(new int[]{port});
245        ds.setDatabaseName(databaseName);
246        ds.setUser(user);
248        for (final Entry<String, String> entry : connectionProperties.entrySet()) {
249            ds.setProperty(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
250        }
252        return ds;
253    }
255    /**
256     * Returns the network (TCP) port for the PostgreSQL server instance.
257     */
258    public int getPort() {
259        checkState(started.get(), "instance has not been started!");
261        return port;
262    }
264    /**
265     * Returns the connection properties for the PostgreSQL server instance.
266     */
267    @NonNull
268    ImmutableMap<String, String> getConnectionProperties() {
269        checkState(started.get(), "instance has not been started!");
271        return connectionProperties;
272    }
274    /**
275     * Returns the instance id for the PostgreSQL server instance. This id is an alphanumeric string that can be used to differentiate between multiple embedded
276     * PostgreSQL server instances.
277     */
278    @NonNull
279    public String instanceId() {
280        checkState(started.get(), "instance has not been started!");
282        return instanceId;
283    }
285    /**
286     * Return the version of the PostgreSQL installation that is used by this instance.
287     *
288     * @return A string representing the Postgres version as described in the <a href="https://www.postgresql.org/support/versioning/">Postgres versioning
289     * policy</a>.
290     * @since 4.1
291     */
292    public String getPostgresVersion() throws IOException {
294        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
295        StreamCapture logCapture = pgServerLogger.captureStreamAsConsumer(sb::append);
297        List<String> commandAndArgs = ImmutableList.of(pgBin("pg_ctl"), "--version");
298        final Stopwatch watch = system(commandAndArgs, logCapture);
300        String version = "unknown";
302        try {
303            logCapture.getCompletion().get();
304            final String s = sb.toString();
305            checkState(s.startsWith("pg_ctl "), "Response %s does not match 'pg_ctl'", sb);
306            version = s.substring(s.lastIndexOf(' ')).trim();
308        } catch (ExecutionException e) {
309            throw new IOException(format("Process '%s' failed%n%s", Joiner.on(" ").join(commandAndArgs)), e);
310        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
311            Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
312        }
314        logger.debug(format("postgres version check completed in %s", formatDuration(watch.elapsed())));
315        return version;
316    }
318    @Override
319    public String toString() {
320        return this.getClass().getName() + "$" + this.instanceId;
321    }
323    @Override
324    public boolean equals(Object o) {
325        if (this == o) {
326            return true;
327        }
328        if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
329            return false;
330        }
331        EmbeddedPostgres that = (EmbeddedPostgres) o;
332        return instanceId.equals(that.instanceId);
333    }
335    @Override
336    public int hashCode() {
337        return Objects.hash(instanceId);
338    }
340    // internal methods
341    DatabaseInfo createDefaultDatabaseInfo() {
342        return DatabaseInfo.builder().port(getPort()).connectionProperties(getConnectionProperties()).build();
343    }
346    private void boot() throws IOException {
347        EmbeddedUtil.ensureDirectory(this.dataDirectory);
349        if (this.removeDataOnShutdown || !new File(this.dataDirectory, "postgresql.conf").exists()) {
350            initDatabase();
351        }
353        lock();
355        startDatabase();
356    }
359    private synchronized void lock() throws IOException {
360        this.lockStream = new FileOutputStream(this.lockFile);
361        this.lock = lockStream.getChannel().tryLock();
362        checkState(lock != null, "could not lock %s", lockFile);
363    }
365    private synchronized void unlock() throws IOException {
366        if (lock != null) {
367            lock.release();
368        }
369        Closeables.close(lockStream, true);
370    }
372    private void initDatabase() throws IOException {
373        ImmutableList.Builder<String> commandBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
374        commandBuilder.add(pgBin("initdb"))
375                .addAll(createInitDbOptions())
376                .add("-A", "trust",
377                        "-U", PG_DEFAULT_USER,
378                        "-D", this.dataDirectory.getPath(),
379                        "-E", "UTF-8");
380        final Stopwatch watch = system(commandBuilder.build(), pgServerLogger.captureStreamAsLog());
381        logger.debug(format("initdb completed in %s", formatDuration(watch.elapsed())));
382    }
384    private void startDatabase() throws IOException {
385        checkState(!started.getAndSet(true), "database already started!");
387        final ImmutableList.Builder<String> commandBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
388        commandBuilder.add(pgBin("pg_ctl"),
389                "-D", this.dataDirectory.getPath(),
390                "-o", String.join(" ", createInitOptions()),
391                "start"
392        );
394        final Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
395        final Process postmaster = spawn("pg", commandBuilder.build(), pgServerLogger.captureStreamAsLog());
397        logger.info(format("started as pid %d on port %d", postmaster.pid(), port));
398        logger.debug(format("Waiting up to %s for server startup to finish", formatDuration(serverStartupWait)));
400        Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(newCloserThread());
402        checkState(waitForServerStartup(), "Could not start PostgreSQL server, interrupted?");
403        logger.debug(format("startup complete in %s", formatDuration(watch.elapsed())));
404    }
406    private void stopDatabase(File dataDirectory) throws IOException {
407        if (started.get()) {
408            final ImmutableList.Builder<String> commandBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
409            commandBuilder.add(pgBin("pg_ctl"),
410                    "-D", dataDirectory.getPath(),
411                    "stop",
412                    "-m", PG_STOP_MODE,
413                    "-t", PG_STOP_WAIT_SECONDS, "-w");
415            final Stopwatch watch = system(commandBuilder.build(), pgServerLogger.captureStreamAsLog());
416            logger.debug(format("shutdown complete in %s", formatDuration(watch.elapsed())));
417        }
418        pgServerLogger.close();
419    }
421    private List<String> createInitOptions() {
422        final ImmutableList.Builder<String> initOptions = ImmutableList.builder();
423        initOptions.add(
424                "-p", Integer.toString(port),
425                "-F");
427        serverConfiguration.forEach((key, value) -> {
428            initOptions.add("-c");
429            if (value.length() > 0) {
430                initOptions.add(key + "=" + value);
431            } else {
432                initOptions.add(key + "=true");
433            }
434        });
436        return initOptions.build();
437    }
439    @VisibleForTesting
440    List<String> createInitDbOptions() {
441        final ImmutableList.Builder<String> localeOptions = ImmutableList.builder();
443        localeConfiguration.forEach((key, value) -> {
444            if (value.length() > 0) {
445                localeOptions.add("--" + key + "=" + value);
446            } else {
447                localeOptions.add("--" + key);
448            }
449        });
450        return localeOptions.build();
451    }
453    private boolean waitForServerStartup() throws IOException {
454        Throwable lastCause = null;
455        final long start = System.nanoTime();
456        final long maxWaitNs = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.convert(serverStartupWait.toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
457        while (System.nanoTime() - start < maxWaitNs) {
458            try {
459                if (verifyReady()) {
460                    return true;
461                }
462            } catch (final SQLException e) {
463                lastCause = e;
464                logger.trace("while waiting for server startup:", e);
465            }
467            try {
468                Thread.sleep(100);
469            } catch (final InterruptedException e) {
470                Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
471                return false;
472            }
473        }
474        throw new IOException("Gave up waiting for server to start after " + serverStartupWait.toMillis() + "ms", lastCause);
475    }
477    private boolean verifyReady() throws IOException, SQLException {
478        // check TCP connection
479        final InetAddress localhost = InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress();
480        try (Socket sock = new Socket()) {
481            sock.setSoTimeout((int) Duration.ofMillis(500).toMillis());
482            sock.connect(new InetSocketAddress(localhost, port), (int) Duration.ofMillis(500).toMillis());
483        } catch (ConnectException e) {
484            return false;
485        }
487        // check JDBC connection
488        try (Connection c = createDefaultDataSource().getConnection();
489                Statement s = c.createStatement();
490                ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery("SELECT 1")) {
491            checkState(rs.next(), "expecting single row");
492            checkState(rs.getInt(1) == 1, "expecting 1 as result");
493            checkState(!rs.next(), "expecting single row");
494            return true;
495        }
496    }
498    private Thread newCloserThread() {
499        final Thread closeThread = new Thread(() -> {
500            try {
501                EmbeddedPostgres.this.close();
502            } catch (IOException e) {
503                logger.trace("while closing instance:", e);
504            }
505        });
507        closeThread.setName("pg-closer");
508        return closeThread;
509    }
511    /**
512     * Closing an {@link EmbeddedPostgres} instance shuts down the connected database instance.
513     */
514    @Override
515    public void close() throws IOException {
516        if (closed.getAndSet(true)) {
517            return;
518        }
520        try {
521            stopDatabase(this.dataDirectory);
522        } catch (final Exception e) {
523            logger.error("could not stop pg:", e);
524        }
526        unlock();
528        if (removeDataOnShutdown) {
529            try {
530                EmbeddedUtil.rmdirs(dataDirectory);
531            } catch (Exception e) {
532                logger.error(format("Could not clean up directory %s:", dataDirectory.getAbsolutePath()), e);
533            }
534        } else {
535            logger.debug(format("preserved data directory %s", dataDirectory.getAbsolutePath()));
536        }
537    }
539    @VisibleForTesting
540    File getDataDirectory() {
541        return dataDirectory;
542    }
544    @VisibleForTesting
545    Map<String, String> getLocaleConfiguration() {
546        return localeConfiguration;
547    }
550    private void cleanOldDataDirectories(File parentDirectory) {
551        final File[] children = parentDirectory.listFiles();
552        if (children == null) {
553            return;
554        }
555        for (final File dir : children) {
556            if (!dir.isDirectory()) {
557                continue;
558            }
560            // only ever touch known data directories.
561            if (!dir.getName().startsWith(DATA_DIRECTORY_PREFIX)) {
562                continue;
563            }
565            // only touch data directories that hold a lock file.
566            final File lockFile = new File(dir, LOCK_FILE_NAME);
567            if (!lockFile.exists()) {
568                continue;
569            }
571            // file must have a minimum age. This can not be the same check as
572            // the exists b/c non-existent files return 0 (epoch) as lastModified so
573            // they are considered "ancient".
574            if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lockFile.lastModified() < MINIMUM_AGE_IN_MS) {
575                continue;
576            }
578            try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(lockFile);
579                    FileLock lock = fos.getChannel().tryLock()) {
580                if (lock != null) {
581                    logger.debug(format("found stale data directory %s", dir));
582                    if (new File(dir, "postmaster.pid").exists()) {
583                        try {
584                            stopDatabase(dir);
585                            logger.debug("shutting down orphaned database!");
586                        } catch (Exception e) {
587                            logger.warn(format("failed to orphaned database in %s:", dir), e);
588                        }
589                    }
590                    EmbeddedUtil.rmdirs(dir);
591                }
592            } catch (final OverlappingFileLockException e) {
593                // The directory belongs to another instance in this VM.
594                logger.trace("while cleaning old data directories:", e);
595            } catch (final Exception e) {
596                logger.warn("while cleaning old data directories:", e);
597            }
598        }
599    }
601    private String pgBin(String binaryName) {
602        final String extension = EmbeddedUtil.IS_OS_WINDOWS ? ".exe" : "";
603        return new File(this.postgresInstallDirectory, "bin/" + binaryName + extension).getPath();
604    }
606    private Process spawn(@Nullable String processName, List<String> commandAndArgs,
607            StreamCapture logCapture)
608            throws IOException {
609        final ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(commandAndArgs);
610        builder.redirectErrorStream(true);
611        builder.redirectError(errorRedirector);
612        builder.redirectOutput(outputRedirector);
613        final Process process = builder.start();
615        if (outputRedirector == Redirect.PIPE) {
616            processName = processName != null ? processName : process.info().command().map(EmbeddedUtil::getFileBaseName).orElse("<unknown>");
617            String name = format("%s (%d)", processName, process.pid());
618            logCapture.accept(name, process.getInputStream());
619        }
620        return process;
621    }
623    private Stopwatch system(List<String> commandAndArgs, StreamCapture logCapture) throws IOException {
624        checkArgument(commandAndArgs.size() > 0, "No commandAndArgs given!");
625        String prefix = EmbeddedUtil.getFileBaseName(commandAndArgs.get(0));
627        Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
628        try {
629            Process process = spawn(prefix, commandAndArgs, logCapture);
630            if (process.waitFor() != 0) {
631                if (errorRedirector == Redirect.PIPE) {
632                    try (InputStreamReader errorReader = new InputStreamReader(process.getErrorStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) {
633                        throw new IOException(format("Process '%s' failed%n%s", Joiner.on(" ").join(commandAndArgs), CharStreams.toString(errorReader)));
634                    }
635                } else {
636                    throw new IOException(format("Process '%s' failed",
637                            Joiner.on(" ").join(commandAndArgs)));
638                }
639            }
640        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
641            Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
642        }
644        return watch;
645    }
647    /**
648     * Callback interface to customize a builder during creation.
649     *
650     * @deprecated Use {@link EmbeddedPostgresPreparer} with {@link Builder} as type parameter.
651     */
652    @Deprecated
653    @FunctionalInterface
654    public interface BuilderCustomizer {
656        /**
657         * Callback to customize a given {@link Builder}.
658         *
659         * @param builder The builder instance. Any method on the builder can be called.
660         * @throws SQLException For any SQL related problems.
661         * @throws IOException  For any IO related problem.
662         */
663        void customize(@NonNull Builder builder) throws IOException, SQLException;
664    }
666    /**
667     * Creates a new {@link EmbeddedPostgres} instance and starts it.
668     */
669    public static class Builder {
671        private File installationBaseDirectory = null;
672        private File dataDirectory = null;
674        private final Map<String, String> serverConfiguration = new HashMap<>();
675        private final Map<String, String> localeConfiguration = new HashMap<>();
676        private boolean removeDataOnShutdown = true;
677        private int port = 0;
678        private String serverVersion = DEFAULT_POSTGRES_VERSION;
679        private final Map<String, String> connectionProperties = new HashMap<>();
680        private NativeBinaryManager nativeBinaryManager = null;
681        private Duration serverStartupWait = DEFAULT_PG_STARTUP_WAIT;
683        private ProcessBuilder.Redirect errorRedirector = ProcessBuilder.Redirect.PIPE;
684        private ProcessBuilder.Redirect outputRedirector = ProcessBuilder.Redirect.PIPE;
686        private boolean bootInstance;
688        private Builder(boolean bootInstance) {
689            this.bootInstance = bootInstance;
690        }
692        Builder() {
693            this(true);
694        }
696        /**
697         * Apply a set of defaults to the database server:
698         * <ul>
699         *     <li>timezone: UTC</li>
700         *     <li>synchronous_commit: off</li>
701         *     <li>max_connections: 300</li>
702         * </ul>
703         *
704         * @return The builder itself.
705         */
706        @NonNull
707        public Builder withDefaults() {
708            serverConfiguration.put("timezone", "UTC");
709            serverConfiguration.put("synchronous_commit", "off");
710            serverConfiguration.put("max_connections", "300");
711            return this;
712        }
714        /**
715         * Sets the time that the builder will wait for the PostgreSQL server instance to start. Default is 10 seconds.
716         *
717         * @param serverStartupWait Startup wait time. Must not be null or negative.
718         * @return The builder itself.
719         */
720        @NonNull
721        public Builder setServerStartupWait(@NonNull Duration serverStartupWait) {
722            checkNotNull(serverStartupWait, "serverStartupWait is null");
723            checkArgument(!serverStartupWait.isNegative(), "Negative durations are not permitted.");
725            this.serverStartupWait = serverStartupWait;
726            return this;
727        }
729        /**
730         * Whether to remove the data directory on server shutdown. If true, the contents of the data directory are deleted when the {@link EmbeddedPostgres}
731         * instance is closed. Default is true.
732         *
733         * @param removeDataOnShutdown True removes the contents of the data directory on shutdown.
734         * @return The builder itself.
735         */
736        @NonNull
737        public Builder setRemoveDataOnShutdown(boolean removeDataOnShutdown) {
738            this.removeDataOnShutdown = removeDataOnShutdown;
739            return this;
740        }
742        /**
743         * Explicitly set the location of the data directory. Default is using a managed directory.
744         *
745         * @param dataDirectory The directory to use. Must not be null. If it exists, the current user must be able to access the directory for reading and
746         *                      writing. If the directory does not exist then the current user must be able to create it for reading and writing.
747         * @return The builder itself.
748         */
749        @NonNull
750        public Builder setDataDirectory(@NonNull Path dataDirectory) {
751            checkNotNull(dataDirectory, "dataDirectory is null");
752            return setDataDirectory(dataDirectory.toFile());
753        }
755        /**
756         * Explicitly set the location of the data directory. Default is using a managed directory.
757         *
758         * @param dataDirectory The directory to use. Must not be null. If it exists, the current user must be able to access the directory for reading and
759         *                      writing. If the directory does not exist then the current user must be able to create it for reading and writing.
760         * @return The builder itself.
761         */
762        @NonNull
763        public Builder setDataDirectory(@NonNull String dataDirectory) {
764            checkNotNull(dataDirectory, "dataDirectory is null");
765            return setDataDirectory(new File(dataDirectory));
766        }
768        /**
769         * Explicitly set the location of the data directory. Default is using a managed directory.
770         *
771         * @param dataDirectory The directory to use. Must not be null. If it exists, the current user must be able to access the directory for reading and
772         *                      writing. If the directory does not exist then the current user must be able to create it for reading and writing.
773         * @return The builder itself.
774         */
775        @NonNull
776        public Builder setDataDirectory(@NonNull File dataDirectory) {
777            this.dataDirectory = checkNotNull(dataDirectory, "dataDirectory is null");
778            return this;
779        }
781        /**
782         * Adds a server configuration parameter. All parameters are passed to the PostgreSQL server a startup using the <code>postgres</code> command.
783         * <p>
784         * Values and their function are specific to the PostgreSQL version selected.
785         * <p>
786         * See <a href="https://www.postgresql.org/docs/13/runtime-config.html">the PostgreSQL runtime configuration</a> for more information.
787         *
788         * @param key   Configuration parameter name. Must not be null.
789         * @param value Configuration parameter value. Must not be null.
790         * @return The builder itself.
791         */
792        @NonNull
793        public Builder addServerConfiguration(@NonNull String key, @NonNull String value) {
794            checkNotNull(key, "key is null");
795            checkNotNull(value, "value is null");
796            this.serverConfiguration.put(key, value);
797            return this;
798        }
800        /**
801         * @deprecated Use {@link Builder#addInitDbConfiguration(String, String)}.
802         */
803        @Deprecated
804        @NonNull
805        public Builder addLocaleConfiguration(@NonNull String key, @NonNull String value) {
806            checkNotNull(key, "key is null");
807            checkNotNull(value, "value is null");
808            this.localeConfiguration.put(key, value);
809            return this;
810        }
812        /**
813         * Adds a configuration parameters for the <code>initdb</code> command. The <code>initdb</code> command is used to create the PostgreSQL server.
814         * <p>
815         * Each value is added as a command line parameter to the command.
816         * <p>
817         * See the <a href="https://www.postgresql.org/docs/13/app-initdb.html">PostgreSQL initdb documentation</a> for an overview of possible values.
818         *
819         * @param key   initdb parameter name. Must not be null.
820         * @param value initdb parameter value. Must not be null. When the empty string is used as the value, the resulting command line parameter will not have
821         *              a equal sign and a value assigned.
822         * @return The builder itself.
823         * @since 3.0
824         */
825        @NonNull
826        public Builder addInitDbConfiguration(@NonNull String key, @NonNull String value) {
827            checkNotNull(key, "key is null");
828            checkNotNull(value, "value is null");
829            this.localeConfiguration.put(key, value);
830            return this;
831        }
833        /**
834         * Adds a connection property. These properties are set on every connection handed out by the data source. See
835         * <a href="https://jdbc.postgresql.org/documentation/head/connect.html#connection-parameters">the
836         * PostgreSQL JDBC driver documentation</a> for possible values.
837         *
838         * @param key   connection property name. Must not be null.
839         * @param value connection property value. Must not be null.
840         * @return The builder itself.
841         */
842        @NonNull
843        public Builder addConnectionProperty(@NonNull String key, @NonNull String value) {
844            checkNotNull(key, "key is null");
845            checkNotNull(value, "value is null");
846            this.connectionProperties.put(key, value);
847            return this;
848        }
850        /**
851         * Sets the directory where the PostgreSQL distribution is unpacked. Setting the installation base directory resets the {@link NativeBinaryManager} used
852         * to locate the postgres installation back to the default (which is to download the zonky.io Postgres archive and unpack it in the installation
853         * directory. The default is using a managed directory.
854         *
855         * @param installationBaseDirectory The directory to unpack the postgres distribution. The current user must be able to create and write this directory.
856         *                                  Must not be null.
857         * @return The builder itself.
858         * @since 3.0
859         */
860        @NonNull
861        public Builder setInstallationBaseDirectory(@NonNull File installationBaseDirectory) {
862            checkNotNull(installationBaseDirectory, "installationBaseDirectory is null");
863            this.installationBaseDirectory = installationBaseDirectory;
864            this.nativeBinaryManager = null;
865            return this;
866        }
868        /**
869         * Explicitly set the TCP port for the PostgreSQL server. If the port is not available, starting the server will fail. Default is to find and use an
870         * available TCP port.
871         *
872         * @param port The port to use. Must be &gt; 1023 and &lt; 65536.
873         * @return The builder itself.
874         */
875        @NonNull
876        public Builder setPort(int port) {
877            checkState(port > 1023 && port < 65535, "Port %s is not within 1024..65535", port);
878            this.port = port;
879            return this;
880        }
882        /**
883         * Set the version of the PostgreSQL server. This value is passed to the default binary manager which will try to resolve this version from existing
884         * Maven artifacts. The value is ignored if {@link Builder#setNativeBinaryManager(NativeBinaryManager)} is called.
885         * <p>
886         * Not every PostgreSQL version is supported by pg-embedded. Some older versions lack the necessary options for the command line parameters and will
887         * fail at startup. Currently, every version 10 or newer should be working.
888         *
889         * @param serverVersion A partial or full version. Valid values are e.g. "12" or "11.3".
890         * @return The builder itself.
891         * @since 3.0
892         */
893        @NonNull
894        public Builder setServerVersion(@NonNull String serverVersion) {
895            this.serverVersion = checkNotNull(serverVersion, "serverVersion is null");
897            return this;
898        }
900        /**
901         * Set a {@link ProcessBuilder.Redirect} instance to receive stderr output from the spawned processes.
902         *
903         * @param errorRedirector a {@link ProcessBuilder.Redirect} instance. Must not be null.
904         * @return The builder itself.
905         */
906        @NonNull
907        public Builder setErrorRedirector(@NonNull ProcessBuilder.Redirect errorRedirector) {
908            this.errorRedirector = checkNotNull(errorRedirector, "errorRedirector is null");
909            return this;
910        }
912        /**
913         * Set a {@link ProcessBuilder.Redirect} instance to receive stdout output from the spawned processes.
914         *
915         * @param outputRedirector a {@link ProcessBuilder.Redirect} instance. Must not be null.
916         * @return The builder itself.
917         */
918        @NonNull
919        public Builder setOutputRedirector(@NonNull ProcessBuilder.Redirect outputRedirector) {
920            this.outputRedirector = checkNotNull(outputRedirector, "outputRedirector is null");
921            return this;
922        }
924        /**
925         * Sets the {@link NativeBinaryManager} that provides the location of the postgres installation. Explicitly setting a binary manager overrides the
926         * installation base directory location set with {@link Builder#setInstallationBaseDirectory(File)} as this is only used by the default binary manager.
927         * Calling {@link Builder#setInstallationBaseDirectory(File)} after this method undoes setting the binary manager.
928         *
929         * @param nativeBinaryManager A {@link NativeBinaryManager} implementation. Must not be null.
930         * @return The builder itself.
931         * @since 3.0
932         */
933        @NonNull
934        public Builder setNativeBinaryManager(@NonNull NativeBinaryManager nativeBinaryManager) {
935            this.nativeBinaryManager = checkNotNull(nativeBinaryManager, "nativeBinaryManager is null");
936            return this;
937        }
939        /**
940         * Use a locally installed PostgreSQL server for tests. The tests will still spin up a new instance and locate the data in the data directory but it
941         * will use the locally installed binaries for starting and stopping. Calling this method sets a binary manager, so it overrides {@link
942         * Builder#setNativeBinaryManager(NativeBinaryManager)}. Calling this method makes the builder ignore the {@link
943         * Builder#setInstallationBaseDirectory(File)} setting.
944         *
945         * @param directory A local directory that contains a standard PostgreSQL installation. The directory must exist and read and executable.
946         * @return The builder itself.
947         * @since 3.0
948         */
949        @NonNull
950        public Builder useLocalPostgresInstallation(@NonNull File directory) {
951            checkNotNull(directory, "directory is null");
952            checkState(directory.exists() && directory.isDirectory(), "'%s' either does not exist or is not a directory!", directory);
953            return setNativeBinaryManager(() -> directory);
954        }
956        /**
957         * Creates and boots a new {@link EmbeddedPostgres} instance.
958         *
959         * @return A {@link EmbeddedPostgres} instance representing a started PostgreSQL server.
960         * @throws IOException If the server could not be installed or started.
961         */
962        @NonNull
963        public EmbeddedPostgres build() throws IOException {
964            // Builder Id
965            final String instanceId = EmbeddedUtil.randomAlphaNumeric(16);
967            int port = this.port != 0 ? this.port : EmbeddedUtil.allocatePort();
969            // installation root if nothing has been set by the user.
970            final File parentDirectory = EmbeddedUtil.getWorkingDirectory();
972            NativeBinaryManager nativeBinaryManager = this.nativeBinaryManager;
973            if (nativeBinaryManager == null) {
974                final String serverVersion = System.getProperty("pg-embedded.postgres-version", this.serverVersion);
975                nativeBinaryManager = new TarXzCompressedBinaryManager(new ZonkyIOPostgresLocator(serverVersion));
976            }
978            // Use the parent directory if no installation directory set.
979            File installationBaseDirectory = Objects.requireNonNullElse(this.installationBaseDirectory, parentDirectory);
980            nativeBinaryManager.setInstallationBaseDirectory(installationBaseDirectory);
982            // this is where the binary manager actually places the unpackaged postgres installation.
983            final File postgresInstallDirectory = nativeBinaryManager.getLocation();
985            File dataDirectory = this.dataDirectory;
986            if (dataDirectory == null) {
987                dataDirectory = new File(parentDirectory, DATA_DIRECTORY_PREFIX + instanceId);
988            }
990            EmbeddedPostgres embeddedPostgres = new EmbeddedPostgres(instanceId, postgresInstallDirectory, dataDirectory,
991                    removeDataOnShutdown, serverConfiguration, localeConfiguration, connectionProperties,
992                    port, errorRedirector, outputRedirector,
993                    serverStartupWait);
995            embeddedPostgres.cleanOldDataDirectories(parentDirectory);
997            // for version checking (calling getPostgresVersion(), the instance does not need to run
998            // this is a special case to make the version check run faster for unit test selection.
999            if (bootInstance) {
1000                embeddedPostgres.boot();
1001            }
1003            return embeddedPostgres;
1004        }
1005    }