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PMD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD 7.5.0.

Violations By Priority

Priority 5


Rule Violation Line
TooManyMethods This class has too many methods, consider refactoring it. 76983
CognitiveComplexity The method 'cleanOldDataDirectories(File)' has a cognitive complexity of 23, current threshold is 15 558
CyclomaticComplexity The method 'cleanOldDataDirectories(File)' has a cyclomatic complexity of 12. 558
NPathComplexity The method 'cleanOldDataDirectories(File)' has an NPath complexity of 226, current threshold is 200 558
AvoidInstantiatingObjectsInLoops Avoid instantiating new objects inside loops 574
AvoidInstantiatingObjectsInLoops Avoid instantiating new objects inside loops 590
AvoidReassigningParameters Avoid reassigning parameters such as 'processName' 624
TooManyMethods This class has too many methods, consider refactoring it. 658982


Rule Violation Line
TooManyMethods This class has too many methods, consider refactoring it. 37229


Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryConstructor Avoid unnecessary constructors - the compiler will generate these for you 55


Rule Violation Line
CognitiveComplexity The method 'extractTxz(InputStream, String)' has a cognitive complexity of 20, current threshold is 15 159
CyclomaticComplexity The method 'extractTxz(InputStream, String)' has a cyclomatic complexity of 13. 159
AvoidInstantiatingObjectsInLoops Avoid instantiating new objects inside loops 167
AvoidInstantiatingObjectsInLoops Avoid instantiating new objects inside loops 178
AvoidInstantiatingObjectsInLoops Avoid instantiating new objects inside loops 187208
CollapsibleIfStatements This if statement could be combined with its parent 216218


Rule Violation Line
PreserveStackTrace Thrown exception does not preserve the stack trace of exception 'e' on all code paths 81
PreserveStackTrace Thrown exception does not preserve the stack trace of exception 'e' on all code paths 94
UseTryWithResources Consider using a try-with-resources statement instead of explicitly closing the resource 139143


Rule Violation Line
TestClassWithoutTestCases The class 'TestingContext' might be a test class, but it contains no test cases. 240
SignatureDeclareThrowsException A method/constructor should not explicitly throw java.lang.Exception 252
SignatureDeclareThrowsException A method/constructor should not explicitly throw java.lang.Exception 260



Rule Violation Priority Line
TooManyMethods This class has too many methods, consider refactoring it. 5 76983
CognitiveComplexity The method 'cleanOldDataDirectories(File)' has a cognitive complexity of 23, current threshold is 15 5 558
CyclomaticComplexity The method 'cleanOldDataDirectories(File)' has a cyclomatic complexity of 12. 5 558
NPathComplexity The method 'cleanOldDataDirectories(File)' has an NPath complexity of 226, current threshold is 200 5 558
AvoidInstantiatingObjectsInLoops Avoid instantiating new objects inside loops 5 574
AvoidInstantiatingObjectsInLoops Avoid instantiating new objects inside loops 5 590
AvoidReassigningParameters Avoid reassigning parameters such as 'processName' 5 624
TooManyMethods This class has too many methods, consider refactoring it. 5 658982


Rule Violation Priority Line
TooManyMethods This class has too many methods, consider refactoring it. 5 37229


Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryConstructor Avoid unnecessary constructors - the compiler will generate these for you 5 55


Rule Violation Priority Line
CognitiveComplexity The method 'extractTxz(InputStream, String)' has a cognitive complexity of 20, current threshold is 15 5 159
CyclomaticComplexity The method 'extractTxz(InputStream, String)' has a cyclomatic complexity of 13. 5 159
AvoidInstantiatingObjectsInLoops Avoid instantiating new objects inside loops 5 167
AvoidInstantiatingObjectsInLoops Avoid instantiating new objects inside loops 5 178
AvoidInstantiatingObjectsInLoops Avoid instantiating new objects inside loops 5 187208
CollapsibleIfStatements This if statement could be combined with its parent 5 216218


Rule Violation Priority Line
PreserveStackTrace Thrown exception does not preserve the stack trace of exception 'e' on all code paths 5 81
PreserveStackTrace Thrown exception does not preserve the stack trace of exception 'e' on all code paths 5 94
UseTryWithResources Consider using a try-with-resources statement instead of explicitly closing the resource 5 139143


Rule Violation Priority Line
TestClassWithoutTestCases The class 'TestingContext' might be a test class, but it contains no test cases. 5 240
SignatureDeclareThrowsException A method/constructor should not explicitly throw java.lang.Exception 5 252
SignatureDeclareThrowsException A method/constructor should not explicitly throw java.lang.Exception 5 260

Suppressed Violations

Filename Rule message Suppression type Reason
de/softwareforge/testing/postgres/embedded/ Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. @suppresswarnings
de/softwareforge/testing/postgres/embedded/ Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. @suppresswarnings
de/softwareforge/testing/postgres/embedded/ Ensure that resources like this AsynchronousFileChannel object are closed after use //nopmd